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Foot Stoll Flip

This foot stool was a found treasure at the local Habitat For Humanity Restore. This is one of my favorite store to shop for furniture. I also find great deals and the money used to purchase the items goes to a great cause.

I brought it home and gave the peice a good cleaning with some Dixie Bell white lightning. I then went back over the stool with clean water just to make sure there was no cleaning reminents. The stool has a lid that opens for stoage, which is where I started. I removed the lid from the hinges and unscrewed all the hardware. From here layed the the top face down exposing the underside where the fabric was secured. I removed all the staples that held the fabric in place. I then got the new burlap material and laid it out to measure the size of piece I would need. I made sure to leave it a little larger then needed to allow room for the batting that would provide cusion. On the floor I layered the material starting with the right side of the fabric lying down against the floor. Then on top of that I placed the batting and finally the wood top. From this point I pulled all of the fabric back to the back side of the wood top and secured it using a staple gun. Once secured I trimmed off any excess fabric and resecured the hardware.

Next I did a light scuff sand to the rest of the piece. While doing this I made sure to tighting all the legs to ensure they were not wobbly. I then wiped the piece down with a lint free cloth and then got to painting. The paint used on this stoll is Yankee Blue from Dixie Belle. This is a mineral chalk paint with rich color. I applied two coats of paint to the piece. Once dry I then took the Dixie Belle's clear wax and gave the entire piece a nice coat of the wax. Then I went back over the piece with Dixie Belle's brown wax to seal it and add some depth to the piece. By placing the clear wax on first it allows the brown wax to wipe back easier and gives you more control. I applied the wax with my natural brisel brush and wiping it back till it reached the desired look I was wanting.

Once waxing was complete I reattached the lid to the top of the stool and the project was complete.

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